Breastfeeding Awareness
9 Aug, 21
Breastfeeding Provides Health Benefits for Mother and Child
For the Child
- Reduces infectious diseases.
- Decreases incidence and severity of diarrhoea.
- Lowers respiratory and ear infections.
- Reduces the risk of obesity in later life.
- Prevents decay and misalignment of teeth.
- Increases intelligence.
- Increases bonding.
For the Mother
- Faster recovery and weight loss after childbirth.
- Helps with spacing between two pregnancies.
- Reduces risk of breast and ovarian cancers.
- Lowers depression after childbirth.
- Lowers risk of hypertension.
Optimal Breastfeeding
- Babies should start breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth.
- Babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life; complementary foods should be introduced thereafter
- Breastfeeding can be continued as long as possible even up to 2 years.
A Healthy Mom Makes A Healthy Baby
- Lactating mothers should be supplemented with required nutrients to fulfill their own needs & needs of the feeding baby through healthy breast milk.
- An ideal formulation containing optimum protein intake, adequate vitamins (e.g. B9, B12, D, etc.) and minerals
(iron, calcium, etc.) during pregnancy and lactation positively affects overall growth and development of the
- IRON AND FOLIC ACID (Vit B9) are needed for haemoglobin synthesis, to reduce risk of anaemia & its associated complications4
- CALCIUM is essential for proper formation of bones and teeth of the offspring, for secretion of breast-milk rich in calcium and to prevent osteoporosis in the mother2
- Iron, folate and calcium supplements should be taken regularly, after 14-16 weeks of pregnancy and continued during lactation2
How to Hold the Baby while Breastfeeding
Cross-cradle Cradle hold
Football hold Side-lying
Burping Your Baby
- Burping your baby is important to reduce discomfort that may arise after swallowing the milk.
- Burping can be achieved by rubbing or patting their backs gently for couple of minutes.
- There aren’t any ‘correct’ positions - it is about what feels most comfortable for you both.
Over the shoulder Sitting on your lap Laying across your lap
- Dietary Guidelines for Indians - A Manual, National Institute of Nutrition
- FOGSI General Clinical Practice Recommendations, Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pregnancy
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