REIN (Stratum 1 & 2)
18 Aug, 10

REIN (Stratum 1 & 2)

Stratum 1

Study Patients

186 patients with chronic non-diabetic nephropathy

Study Groups

Ramipril vs conventional therapy

Median Follow-up Period

31 months


  • Risk of ESRF was significantly decreased by 56% vs conventional therapy

  • Significantly reduced risk of progression to overt proteinuria by 52%
  • Median proteinuria decreased by 13% from baseline with ramipril treatment vs 15% increase observed in conventional group

  • Urinary protein excretion was reduced by 13% with ramipril unlike conventional therapy

Am J Health Syst Pharm 2000; 57(Suppl 1): S12-S18

Lancet 1999; 354: 359-64

Stratum 2

Study Patients

166 patients with chronic non-diabetic nephropathy

Study Groups

Ramipril vs placebo

Study Period

16 months


  • GFR decline/month was significantly lower with ramipril vs placebo

  • Combined endpoint of doubling of baseline serum creatinine or end-stage renal failure indicating progression of kidney disease was significantly improved by ramipril vs placebo


Ramipril significantly slowed renal function decline & reduced the combined risk of doubling of serum creatinine or endstage renal failure indicating renoprotective effects in nondiabetic nephropathy patients.

Lancet 1997; 349: 1857-63