Amlodipine + Atenolol

For the use of a Registered Medical Practitioner or a Hospital or a Laboratory only

Qualitative and Quantitative Composition

Each tablet contains:

Amlodipine Besylate equivalent to Amlodipine……...5 mg

Atenolol……..50 mg


Each tablet contains:

Amlodipine Besylate equivalent to Amlodipine ………..5 mg


Dosage Form and Strength

Amlodipine 5 mg and Atenolol 50 mg Oral Tablets

Amlodipine 5mg and Atenolol 25 mg Oral tablets

Clinical Particulars

Therapeutic Indications

  • Essential Hypertension
  • Angina Pectoris

Posology and Method of Administration

The recommended dosage is one tablet of AMLOPRES-AT daily. If necessary, the dosage may be increased to two tablets daily. The dosage however should be individualized.

Special Populations

Patients with Renal Impairment

Dosage of AMLOPRES-AT should be adjusted in cases of severe impairment of renal function. Dosage of atenolol should not exceed 50 mg/day when creatinine clearance is 15-35 ml/min/1.73 m2. While in patients with creatinine clearance <15 ml/min/1.73 m2, the maximum dosage of atenolol should be 25 mg/day.

Patients with Hepatic Impairment

The recommended initial dose in patients with hepatic impairment is half tablet of AMLOPRES-AT.

Elderly Patients (65 years or above)

Dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at half tablet of AMLOPRES-AT.


Hypersensitivity to either component, cardiogenic shock, uncontrolled heart failure, sick sinus syndrome, second-or third-degree heart block, untreated phaeochromocytoma, metabolic acidosis, bradycardia (<45 bpm), hypotension, and severe peripheral arterial circulatory disturbances.

Special Warnings and Precautions for Use



Symptomatic hypotension is possible, particularly in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Because of the gradual onset of action, acute hypotension is unlikely.

Increased Angina and/or Myocardial Infarction

Worsening angina and acute myocardial infarction can develop after starting or increasing the dose of amlodipine, particularly in patients with severe obstructive coronary artery disease.

Beta-Blocker Withdrawal

Amlodipine is not a beta-blocker and therefore gives no protection against the dangers of abrupt beta-blocker withdrawal; any such withdrawal should be by gradual reduction of the dose of beta-blocker.

Patients with Hepatic Failure

Because amlodipine is extensively metabolized by the liver and the plasma elimination half-life (t1/2) is 56 hours in patients with impaired hepatic function, titrate slowly when administering amlodipine to patients with severe hepatic impairment.




Patients already on a beta-blocker must be evaluated carefully before atenolol   is administered. Initial and subsequent dosages can be adjusted downward depending on clinical observations, including pulse and blood pressure. Atenolol may aggravate peripheral arterial circulatory disorders.

Patients with Renal Impairment

Atenolol Tablets should be used with caution in impaired renal function.

*Based on the maximum dose of 100 mg/day in a 50 kg patient.


Cardiac Failure

Sympathetic stimulation is necessary in supporting circulatory function in congestive heart failure, and beta-blockade carries the potential hazard of further depressing myocardial contractility and precipitating more severe failure.

In patients with acute myocardial infarction, cardiac failure that is not promptly and effectively controlled by 80 mg of IV furosemide or equivalent therapy is a contraindication to beta-blocker treatment.

In Patients without a History of Cardiac Failure

Continued depression of the myocardium with beta-blocking agents over a period of time can, in some cases, lead to cardiac failure. At the first sign or symptom of impending cardiac failure, patients should be treated appropriately according to currently recommended guidelines, and the response observed closely. If cardiac failure continues despite adequate treatment,  atenolol Tablets should be withdrawn.

Cessation of Therapy with atenolol

Patients with coronary artery disease, who are being treated with atenolol, should be advised against abrupt discontinuation of therapy. Severe exacerbation of angina and the occurrence of myocardial infarction and ventricular arrhythmias have been reported in angina patients following the abrupt discontinuation of therapy with beta blockers. The last two complications may occur with or without preceding exacerbation of the angina pectoris. As with other beta blockers, when discontinuation of atenolol,  is planned, the patients should be carefully observed and advised to limit physical activity to a minimum. If the angina worsens or acute coronary insufficiency develops, it is recommended that atenolol be promptly reinstituted, at least temporarily. Because coronary artery disease is common and may be unrecognized, it may be prudent not to discontinue atenolol therapy abruptly even in patients treated only for hypertension.

Concomitant Use of Calcium Channel Blockers

Bradycardia and heart block can occur and the left ventricular end diastolic pressure can rise when beta-blockers are administered with verapamil or diltiazem. Patients with pre-existing conduction abnormalities or left ventricular dysfunction are particularly susceptible.

Bronchospastic Diseases

Patients with bronchospastic disease should, in general, not receive beta-blockers. Because of its relative beta1 selectivity, however,  atenolol may be used with caution in patients with bronchospastic disease who do not respond to, or cannot tolerate, other antihypertensive treatment. Since beta1 selectivity is not absolute, the lowest possible dose of atenolol should be used with therapy initiated at 50 mg and a beta2-stimulating agent (bronchodilator) should be made available. If dosage must be increased, dividing the dose should be considered in order to achieve lower peak blood levels.

Major Surgery

Chronically administered beta-blocking therapy should not be routinely withdrawn prior to major surgery; however, the impaired ability of the heart to respond to reflex adrenergic stimuli may augment the risks of general anaesthesia and surgical procedures.

Diabetes and Hypoglycaemia

Atenolol should be used with caution in diabetic patients if a beta-blocking agent is required. Beta-blockers may mask tachycardia occurring with hypoglycaemia, but other manifestations such as dizziness and sweating may not be significantly affected. At recommended doses, atenolol does not potentiate insulin-induced hypoglycaemia and, unlike non-selective beta-blockers, does not delay recovery of blood glucose to normal levels.


Beta-adrenergic blockade may mask certain clinical signs (e.g. tachycardia) of hyperthyroidism. Abrupt withdrawal of beta-blockade might precipitate a thyroid storm; therefore, patients suspected of developing thyrotoxicosis and from whom atenolol therapy is to be withdrawn should be monitored closely.

Untreated Pheochromocytoma

Atenolol should not be given to patients with untreated pheochromocytoma.

Pregnancy and Fetal Injury

Atenolol Tablets can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Atenolol crosses the placental barrier and appears in cord blood. Administration of the combination, starting in the second trimester of pregnancy, has been associated with the birth of infants that are small for gestational age. No studies have been performed on the use of the combination in the first trimester and the possibility of fetal injury cannot be excluded. If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, the patient should be apprised of the potential hazard to the fetus.

Neonates born to mothers who are receiving  atenolol at parturition or breast-feeding may be at risk for hypoglycaemia and bradycardia. Caution should be exercised when atenolol  are administered during pregnancy or to a woman who is breast-feeding.

Atenolol has been shown to produce a dose-related increase in embryo/foetal resorptions in rats at doses equal to or greater than 50 mg/kg/day or 25 or more times the maximum recommended human antihypertensive dose.* Although similar effects were not seen in rabbits, the compound was not evaluated in rabbits at doses above 25 mg/kg/day or 12.5 times the maximum recommended human antihypertensive dose*.

Drug Interactions


In Vitro Data

In vitro data indicate that amlodipine has no effect on the human plasma protein binding of digoxin, phenytoin, warfarin, and indomethacin.


Co-administration of amlodipine with cimetidine did not alter the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine.

Grapefruit Juice

Co-administration of 240 mL of grapefruit juice with a single oral dose of amlodipine 10 mg in 20 healthy volunteers had no significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine.

Magnesium and Aluminum Hydroxide Antacid

Co-administration of a magnesium and aluminum hydroxide antacid with a single dose of amlodipine had no significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine.


A single 100 mg dose of sildenafil in subjects with essential hypertension had no effect on the pharmacokinetic parameters of amlodipine. When amlodipine and sildenafil were used in combination, each agent independently exerted its own blood pressure lowering effect.


Co-administration of multiple 10 mg doses of amlodipine with 80 mg of atorvastatin resulted in no significant change in the steady-state pharmacokinetic parameters of atorvastatin.


Co-administration of amlodipine with digoxin did not change serum digoxin levels or digoxin renal clearance in normal volunteers.

Ethanol (Alcohol)

Single and multiple 10 mg doses of amlodipine had no significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of ethanol.


Co-administration of amlodipine with warfarin did not change the warfarin prothrombin response time.

CYP3A4 Inhibitors

Co-administration of a 180 mg daily dose of diltiazem with 5 mg amlodipine in elderly hypertensive patients resulted in a 60% increase in amlodipine systemic exposure. Erythromycin co-administration in healthy volunteers did not significantly change amlodipine systemic exposure. However, strong inhibitors of CYP3A4 (e.g., ketoconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir) may increase the plasma concentrations of amlodipine to a greater extent. Monitor for symptoms of hypotension and edema when amlodipine is co-administered with CYP3A4 inhibitors.

CYP3A4 Inducers

No information is available on the quantitative effects of CYP3A4 inducers on amlodipine. Blood pressure should be closely monitored when Amlodipine is co-administered with CYP3A4 inducers.

Drug/Laboratory Test Interactions

None known.


Catecholamine-depleting drugs (eg, reserpine) may have an additive effect when given with beta-blocking agents. Patients treated with atenolol plus a catecholamine depletor should therefore be closely observed for evidence of hypotension and/or marked bradycardia which may produce vertigo, syncope, or postural hypotension.

Calcium channel blockers may also have an additive effect when given with atenolol.

Disopyramide is a Type I antiarrhythmic drug with potent negative inotropic and chronotropic effects. Disopyramide has been associated with severe bradycardia, asystole and heart failure when administered with beta blockers.

Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic agent with negative chronotropic properties that may be additive to those seen with beta blockers.

Beta blockers may exacerbate the rebound hypertension which can follow the withdrawal of clonidine. If the two drugs are coadministered, the beta blocker should be withdrawn several days before the gradual withdrawal of clonidine. If replacing clonidine by beta-blocker therapy, the introduction of beta blockers should be delayed for several days after clonidine administration has stopped.

Concomitant use of prostaglandin synthase inhibiting drugs, eg, indomethacin, may decrease the hypotensive effects of beta blockers.

Information on concurrent usage of atenolol and aspirin is limited. Data from several studies, ie, TIMI-II, ISIS-2, currently do not suggest any clinical interaction between aspirin and beta blockers in the acute myocardial infarction setting.

While taking beta blockers, patients with a history of anaphylactic reaction to a variety of allergens may have a more severe reaction on repeated challenge, either accidental, diagnostic or therapeutic. Such patients may be unresponsive to the usual doses of epinephrine used to treat the allergic reaction.

Both digitalis glycosides and beta-blockers slow atrioventricular conduction and decrease heart rate. Concomitant use can increase the risk of bradycardia.

Use in Special Population

Patients with Renal Impairment

The dosage of AMLOPRES-AT Tablets should be reduced in patients with a creatinine clearance <35 ml/min/1.73 m2.

Patients with Hepatic Impairment

Caution may be necessary in the use of the combination in patients with severe liver damage because of the prolongation of the elimination half-life of amlodipine.

Pregnant Women


Pregnancy Category C

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Amlodipine should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

No evidence of teratogenicity or other embryo/fetal toxicity was found when pregnant rats and rabbits were treated orally with amlodipine maleate at doses up to 10 mg amlodipine/kg/day (respectively, 8 times2 and 23 times2 the maximum recommended human dose of 10 mg on a mg/m2 basis) during their respective periods of major organogenesis. However, litter size was significantly decreased (by about 50%) and the number of intrauterine deaths was significantly increased (about 5-fold) in rats receiving amlodipine maleate at a dose equivalent to 10 mg amlodipine/kg/day for 14 days before mating and throughout mating and gestation. Amlodipine maleate has been shown to prolong both the gestation period and the duration of labor in rats at this dose.

Based on patient weight of 50 kg.


Pregnancy Category D

See Warnings - Pregnancy and Fetal Injury.

*Based on the maximum dose of 100 mg/day in a 50 kg patient.

Lactating Women


It is not known whether amlodipine is excreted in human milk. In the absence of this information, it is recommended that nursing be discontinued while amlodipine is administered.


Atenolol is excreted in human breast milk at a ratio of 1.5 to 6.8 when compared to the concentration in plasma. Caution should be exercised when atenolol is administered to a nursing woman. Clinically significant bradycardia has been reported in breast-fed infants. Premature infants, or infants with impaired renal function, may be more likely to develop adverse effects.

Neonates born to mothers who are receiving atenolol at parturition or breast-feeding may be at risk for hypoglycemia and bradycardia. Caution should be exercised when atenolol is administered during pregnancy or to a woman who is breast-feeding

Pediatric Patients


Effect of amlodipine on blood pressure in patients less than 6 years of age is not known.


Safety and effectiveness of this combination has not been evaluated in paediatric patients.

Geriatric Patients


Clinical studies of amlodipine did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 years and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. Elderly patients have decreased clearance of amlodipine with a resulting increase in AUC of approximately 40–60%, and a lower initial dose may be required.


Hypertension and Angina Pectoris Due to Coronary Atherosclerosis

Clinical studies of atenolol did not include sufficient number of patients aged 65 years and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.

Acute Myocardial Infarction

Of the 8,037 patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction randomized to atenolol in the ISIS-1 trial, 33% (2,644) were 65 years of age and older. It was not possible to identify significant differences in efficacy and safety between older and younger patients; however, elderly patients with systolic blood pressure <120 mmHg seemed less likely to benefit.

In general, dose selection should be done with caution in elderly patients, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. Evaluation of patients with hypertension or myocardial infarction should always include assessment of renal function.

Effects on the Ability to Drive and Use Machines

Caution is recommended, especially at the start of treatment with the combination.

Undesirable Effects


Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared with rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.

Amlodipine has been evaluated for safety in more than 11,000 patients in clinical trials. In general, treatment with amlodipine was well-tolerated at doses up to 10 mg daily. Most adverse reactions reported during therapy with amlodipine were of mild or moderate severity. In controlled clinical trials directly comparing amlodipine (N=1730) at doses up to 10 mg to placebo (N=1250), discontinuation of amlodipine due to adverse reactions was required in only about 1.5% of patients and was not significantly different from placebo (about 1%). The most commonly reported adverse reactions are headache and edema. The incidence (%) of side effects that occurred in a dose-related manner is as follows:

Adverse Events

2.5 mg

(N = 275)



5 mg

(N = 296)



10 mg

(N = 268)




(N = 520)
























Other adverse experiences that were not clearly dose-related but were reported with an incidence greater than 1.0% in placebo-controlled clinical trials included the following:




(N = 1,730)



(N = 1,250)










Abdominal pain







For several adverse experiences that appear to be drug- and dose-related, there was a greater incidence in women than men associated with amlodipine treatment as shown in the following table:

Adverse Event





(N = 1,218)



(N = 512)



(N = 914)



(N = 336)





















The following events occurred in <1% but >0.1% of patients in controlled clinical trials or under conditions of open trials or marketing experience where a causal relationship is uncertain; they are listed to alert the physician to a possible relationship:

Cardiovascular: Arrhythmia (including ventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation), bradycardia, chest pain, hypotension, peripheral ischaemia, syncope, tachycardia, postural dizziness, postural hypotension, vasculitis.

Central and Peripheral Nervous System: Hypoesthesia, neuropathy peripheral, paraesthesia, tremor, vertigo.

Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, constipation, dysphagia, diarrhoea, flatulence, pancreatitis, vomiting, gingival hyperplasia.

General: Allergic reaction, asthenia**, back pain, hot flushes, malaise, pain, rigors, weight gain, weight decrease.

Musculoskeletal System: Arthralgia, arthrosis, muscle cramps**, myalgia.

Psychiatric: Sexual dysfunction (male** and female), insomnia, nervousness, depression, abnormal dreams, anxiety, depersonalization.

Respiratory System: Dyspnoea**, epistaxis.

Skin and Appendages: Angio-oedema, erythema multiforme, pruritus, rash, rash erythematous, rash maculopapular.

Special Senses: Abnormal vision, conjunctivitis, diplopia, eye pain, tinnitus.

Urinary System: Micturition frequency, micturition disorder, nocturia.

Autonomic Nervous System: Dry mouth, sweating increased.

Metabolic and Nutritional: Hyperglycaemia, thirst.

Haemopoietic: Leucopenia, purpura, thrombocytopaenia.

**These events occurred in less than 1% in placebo-controlled trials, but the incidence of these side effects was between 1% and 2% in all multiple-dose studies.

The following events occurred in <0.1% of patients: cardiac failure, pulse irregularity, extrasystoles, skin discoloration, urticaria, skin dryness, alopecia, dermatitis, muscle weakness, twitching, ataxia, hypertonia, migraine, cold and clammy skin,  apathy, agitation, amnesia, gastritis, increased appetite, loose stools, coughing, rhinitis, dysuria, polyuria, parosmia, taste perversion, abnormal visual accommodation, and xerophthalmia.

Other reactions occurred sporadically and cannot be distinguished from medications or concurrent disease states such as  myocardial infarction and angina.

Amlodipine therapy has not been associated with clinically significant changes in routine laboratory tests. No clinically relevant changes were noted in serum potassium, serum glucose, total triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, uric acid, blood urea nitrogen, or creatinine.

In the CAMELOT and PREVENT studies, the adverse event profile was similar to that reported previously (see above), with the most common adverse event being peripheral oedema.

Postmarketing Experience

Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.

The following postmarketing event has been reported infrequently where a causal relationship is uncertain: gynaecomastia. In postmarketing experience, jaundice and hepatic enzyme elevations (mostly consistent with cholestasis or hepatitis), in some cases severe enough to require hospitalization, have been reported in association with use of amlodipine.

Amlodipine has been used safely in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, well-compensated congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and abnormal lipid profiles.


Most adverse effects have been mild and transient.

The frequency estimates in the following table were derived from controlled studies in hypertensive patients in which adverse reactions were either volunteered by the patients (US studies) or elicited, e.g. by a checklist (foreign studies). The reported frequency of elicited adverse effects was higher for both atenolol- and placebo-treated patients than when these reactions were volunteered. Where frequency of adverse effects of atenolol and placebo is similar, a causal relationship to atenolol is uncertain.



(US Studies)

Total – Volunteered and Elicited

(Foreign + US Studies)



(n = 164)



Placebo (n = 206)



(n = 399)



(n = 407)



Bradycardia Cold extremities

Postural hypotension

Leg pain





















Central Nervous System/Neuromuscular
























































































Acute Myocardial Infarction

In a series of investigations in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, bradycardia and hypotension occurred more commonly, as expected for any beta-blocker, in atenolol-treated patients than in control patients. However, these usually responded to atropine and/or to withholding further dosage of atenolol. The incidence of heart failure was not increased by atenolol. Inotropic agents were infrequently used. The reported frequency of these and other events occurring during these investigations is given in the following table.

In a study of 477 patients, the following adverse events were reported during either IV and/or oral atenolol administration:


Conventional Therapy plus Atenolol (n = 244)

Conventional Therapy Alone (n = 233)


43 (18%)

24 (10%)


60 (25%)

34 (15%)


3 (1.2%)

2 (0.9%)

Heart failure

46 (19%)

56 (24%)

Heart block

11 (4.5%)

10 (4.3%)


Axis deviation

16 (6.6%)

28 (12%)

Supraventricular tachycardia

28 (11.5%)

45 (19%)

Atrial fibrillation

12 (5%)

29 (11%)

Atrial flutter

4 (1.6%)

7 (3%)

Ventricular tachycardia

39 (16%)

52 (22%)

Cardiac re-infarction

0 (0%)

6 (2.6%)

Total cardiac arrests

4 (1.6%)

16 (6.9%)

Non-fatal cardiac arrests

4 (1.6%)

12 (5.1%)


7 (2.9%)

16 (6.9%)

Cardiogenic shocks

1 (0.4%)

4 (1.7%)

Development of ventricular septal defect

0 (0%)

2 (0.9%)

Development of mitral regurgitation

0 (0%)

2 (0.9%)

Renal failure

1 (0.4%)

0 (0%)

Pulmonary emboli

3 (1.2%)

0 (0%)


In the subsequent International Study of Infarct Survival (ISIS-1) including over 16,000 patients of whom 8,037 were randomized to receive atenolol treatment, the dosage of IV and subsequent oral atenolol was either discontinued or reduced for the following reasons:

Reasons for Reduced Dosage


IV Atenolol

Reduced Dose

(<5 mg)*

Oral Partial







Cardiogenic shock










Cardiac arrest





Heart block (>first-degree)





Cardiac failure
















*Full dosage was 10 mg and some patients received less than 10 mg but more than 5 mg.

During postmarketing experience with atenolol, the following have been reported in temporal relationship to the use of the drug: elevated liver enzymes and/or bilirubin, hallucinations, headache, impotence, Peyronie’s disease, postural hypotension, which may be associated with syncope, psoriasiform rash or exacerbation of psoriasis, psychoses, purpura, reversible alopecia, thrombocytopenia, visual disturbance, sick sinus syndrome, and dry mouth. Atenolol, like other beta-blockers, has been associated with the development of antinuclear antibodies (ANA), lupus syndrome and Raynaud’s phenomenon.

Potential Adverse Effects

In addition, a range of adverse effects has been reported with other beta-adrenergic blocking agents, and may be considered potential adverse of atenolol.




Fever, combined with aching and sore throat laryngospasm and respiratory distress.

Central Nervous System

Reversible mental depression progressing to catatonia, an acute reversible syndrome characterized by disorientation of time and place; short-time memory loss; emotional lability with slightly clouded sensorium; and decreased performance on neuropschyometrics.


Mesentric arterial thrombosis, ischaemic colitis.


Erythematous rash.


There have been reports of skin rashes and/or dry eyes associated with the use of beta-adrenergic-blocking drugs. The reported incidence is small and, in most cases, the symptoms have cleared when treatment was withdrawn. Discontinuity of the drug should be considered if any such reaction is not otherwise explicable. Patients should be closely monitored following cessation of therapy.

The oculomucocutaneous syndrome associated with the beta-blocker practolol has not been reported with atenolol. Furthermore, a number of patients who had previously demonstrated established practolol reactions were transferred to atenolol therapy with subsequent resolution or quiescence of the reaction.

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. If your patient experiences any side-effects, write to You can also report side effects directly via the national pharmacovigilance program of India by calling on 1800 180 3024 or you can report to Cipla Ltd on 1800 267 7779. By reporting side-effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this product.



Overdosage might be expected to cause excessive peripheral vasodilation with marked hypotension and, possibly, a reflex tachycardia. In humans, experience with intentional overdosage of amlodipine is limited.

Single oral doses of amlodipine maleate equivalent to 40 mg amlodipine/kg and 100 mg amlodipine/kg in mice and rats, respectively, caused deaths. Single oral amlodipine maleate doses equivalent to 4 or more mg amlodipine/kg or higher in dogs (11 or more times the maximum recommended human dose on a mg/m2 basis) caused a marked peripheral vasodilation and hypotension.

If massive overdose should occur, initiate active cardiac and respiratory monitoring. Frequent blood pressure measurements are essential. Should hypotension occur, provide cardiovascular support including elevation of the extremities and the judicious administration of fluids. If hypotension remains unresponsive to these conservative measures, consider administration of vasopressors (such as phenylephrine) with attention to circulating volume and urine output. As amlodipine is highly protein-bound, haemodialysis is not likely to be of benefit.


Overdosage with atenolol has been reported, with patients surviving acute doses as high as 5 g. One death was reported in a man have taken as much as 10 g acutely.

The predominant symptoms reported following atenolol overdose are lethargy, disorder of respiratory drive, wheezing, sinus pause, and bradycardia. Additionally, common effects associated with overdosage of any beta-adrenergic-blocking agent and which might also be expected in atenolol overdose are congestive heart failure, hypotension, bronchospasm and/or hypoglycaemia.

Treatment of overdose should be directed to the removal of any unabsorbed drug by induced emesis, gastric lavage, or administration of activated charcoal. Atenolol can be removed from the general circulation by haemodialysis. Other treatment modalities should be employed at the physician's discretion and may include the following:


IV atropine. If there is no response to vagal blockade, give isoproterenol cautiously. In refractory cases, a transvenous cardiac pacemaker may be indicated.

Heart Block (Second- or Third-degree)

Isoproterenol or transvenous cardiac pacemaker.

Cardiac Failure

Digitalize the patient and administer a diuretic. Glucagon has been reported to be useful.


Vasopressors such as dopamine or norepinephrine (levarterenol). Monitor blood pressure continuously.


A beta2-stimulant such as isoproterenol or terbutaline and/or aminophylline.


IV glucose.

Based on the severity of symptoms, management may require intensive support care and facilities for applying cardiac and respiratory support.

Pharmacological Properties

Mechanism of Action


Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist (calcium ion antagonist or slow-channel blocker) that inhibits the transmembrane influx of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Experimental data suggest that amlodipine binds to both dihydropyridine and nondihydropyridine binding sites. The contractile processes of cardiac muscle and vascular smooth muscle are dependent upon the movement of extracellular calcium ions into these cells through specific ion channels. Amlodipine inhibits calcium ion influx across cell membranes selectively, with a greater effect on vascular smooth muscle cells than on cardiac muscle cells. Negative inotropic effects can be detected in vitro but such effects have not been seen in intact animals at therapeutic doses. Serum calcium concentration is not affected by amlodipine. Within the physiologic pH range, amlodipine is an ionized compound (pKa=8.6), and its kinetic interaction with the calcium channel receptor is characterized by a gradual rate of association and dissociation with the receptor binding site, resulting in a gradual onset of effect.

Amlodipine is a peripheral arterial vasodilator that acts directly on vascular smooth muscle to cause a reduction in peripheral vascular resistance and reduction in blood pressure.

The precise mechanisms by which amlodipine relieves angina have not been fully delineated, but are thought to include the following:

Exertional Angina: In patients with exertional angina, Amlodipine reduces the total peripheral resistance (afterload) against which the heart works and reduces the rate pressure product, and thus myocardial oxygen demand, at any given level of exercise.

Vasospastic Angina: Amlodipine has been demonstrated to block constriction and restore blood flow in coronary arteries and arterioles in response to calcium, potassium epinephrine, serotonin, and thromboxane A2 analog in experimental animal models and in human coronary vessels in vitro. This inhibition of coronary spasm is responsible for the effectiveness of Amlodipine in vasospastic (Prinzmetal’s or variant) angina.


Atenolol is a beta1-selective (cardio-selective) beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent without membrane stabilizing or intrinsic sympathomimetic (partial agonist) activities. This preferential effect is not absolute, however, and at higher doses, Atenolol inhibits beta2-adrenoreceptors, chiefly located in the bronchial and vascular musculature

Pharmacodynamic Properties



Following administration of therapeutic doses to patients with hypertension, amlodipine produces vasodilation resulting in a reduction of supine and standing blood pressures. These decreases in blood pressure are not accompanied by a significant change in heart rate or plasma catecholamine levels with chronic dosing. Although the acute intravenous (IV) administration of amlodipine decreases arterial blood pressure and increases heart rate in haemodynamic studies of patients with chronic stable angina, chronic oral administration of amlodipine in clinical trials did not lead to clinically significant changes in heart rate or blood pressures in normotensive patients with angina.

With chronic once-daily oral administration, antihypertensive effectiveness is maintained for at least 24 hours. Plasma concentrations correlate with effect in both young and elderly patients. The magnitude of reduction in blood pressure with amlodipine is also correlated with the height of pre-treatment elevation; thus, individuals with moderate hypertension (diastolic pressure 105–114 mmHg) had about a 50% greater response than patients with mild hypertension (diastolic pressure 90–104 mmHg). Normotensive subjects experienced no clinically significant change in blood pressures (+1/-2 mmHg).

In hypertensive patients with normal renal function, therapeutic doses of amlodipine resulted in a decrease in renal vascular resistance and an increase in glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow without change in filtration fraction or proteinuria.

As with other calcium channel blockers, haemodynamic measurements of cardiac function at rest and during exercise (or pacing) in patients with normal ventricular function treated with amlodipine have generally demonstrated a small increase in cardiac index without significant influence on dP/dt or on left ventricular end diastolic pressure or volume. In haemodynamic studies, amlodipine has not been associated with a negative inotropic effect when administered in the therapeutic dose range to intact animals and humans, even when co-administered with beta-blockers to humans. Similar findings, however, have been observed in normals or well-compensated patients with heart failure with agents possessing significant negative inotropic effects.

Electrophysiologic Effects

Amlodipine does not change sinoatrial nodal function or atrioventricular conduction in intact animals or humans. In patients with chronic stable angina, IV administration of 10 mg did not significantly alter A-H and H-V conduction and sinus node recovery time after pacing. Similar results were obtained in patients receiving amlodipine and concomitant beta-blockers. In clinical studies in which amlodipine was administered in combination with beta-blockers to patients with either hypertension or angina, no adverse effects on electrocardiographic parameters were observed. In clinical trials with angina patients alone, amlodipine therapy did not alter electrocardiographic intervals or produce higher degrees of atrioventricular blocks.

In standard animal or human pharmacological tests, beta-adrenoreceptor blocking activity of atenolol has been demonstrated by:

(1) reduction in resting and exercise heart rate and cardiac output,

(2) reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure at rest and on exercise,

(3) inhibition of isoproterenol induced tachycardia, and

(4) reduction in reflex orthostatic tachycardia.

A significant beta-blocking effect of atenolol, as measured by reduction of exercise tachycardia, is apparent within 1 hour following oral administration of a single dose. This effect is maximal at about 2–4 hours, and persists for at least 24 hours. Maximum reduction in exercise tachycardia occurs within 5 minutes of an IV dose. For both orally and intravenously administered drug, the duration of action is dose related and also bears a linear relationship to the logarithm of plasma atenolol concentration. The effect on exercise tachycardia of a single 10 mg IV dose is largely dissipated by 12 hours, whereas beta-blocking activity of single oral doses of 50 mg and 100 mg is still evident beyond 24 hours following administration.

However, as has been shown for all beta-blocking agents, the antihypertensive effect does not appear to be related to plasma level.

In normal subjects, the beta1 selectivity of atenolol has been shown by its reduced ability to reverse the beta2-mediated vasodilating effect of isoproterenol as compared to equivalent beta-blocking doses of propranolol. In asthmatic patients, a dose of atenolol producing a greater effect on resting heart rate than propranolol resulted in much less increase in airway resistance. In a placebo-controlled comparison of approximately equipotent oral doses of several beta-blockers, atenolol produced a significantly smaller decrease of FEV1 than nonselective beta-blockers such as propranolol and, unlike those agents, did not inhibit bronchodilation in response to isoproterenol.

Consistent with its negative chronotropic effect due to beta-blockade of the sinoatrial (SA) node, atenolol increases sinus cycle length and sinus node recovery time. Conduction in the AV node is also prolonged. Atenolol is devoid of membrane-stabilizing activity, and increasing the dose well beyond that producing beta-blockade does not further depress myocardial contractility. Several studies have demonstrated a moderate (approximately 10%) increase in stroke volume at rest and during exercise.

In controlled clinical trials, atenolol, given as a single daily oral dose, was an effective antihypertensive agent providing 24-hour reduction in blood pressure. Atenolol has been studied in combination with thiazide-type diuretics, and the blood pressure effects of the combination are approximately additive. Atenolol is also compatible with methyldopa, hydralazine and prazosin, each combination resulting in a larger fall in blood pressure than with the single agents. The dose range of atenolol is narrow and increasing the dose beyond 100 mg once daily is not associated with increased antihypertensive effect. The mechanisms of the antihypertensive effects of beta-blocking agents have not been established. Several possible mechanisms have been proposed and include:

(1) competitive antagonism of catecholamines at peripheral (especially cardiac) adrenergic neuron sites, leading to decreased cardiac output;

(2) a central effect leading to reduced sympathetic outflow to the periphery; and

(3) suppression of renin activity. The results from long-term studies have not shown any diminution of the antihypertensive efficacy of atenolol with prolonged use.

By blocking the positive chronotropic and inotropic effects of catecholamines and by decreasing blood pressure, atenolol generally reduces the oxygen requirements of the heart at any given level of effort, making it useful for many patients in the long-term management of angina pectoris. On the other hand, atenolol can increase oxygen requirements by increasing left ventricular fibre length and end diastolic pressure, particularly in patients with heart failure.

In a multicentre clinical trial (ISIS-1) conducted in 16,027 patients with suspected myocardial infarction, patients presenting within 12 hours (mean = 5 hours) after the onset of pain were randomized to either conventional therapy plus atenolol (n = 8,037), or conventional therapy alone (n = 7,990). Patients with a heart rate of <50 bpm or systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg, or with other contraindications to beta-blockade were excluded. In each group, 38% of patients were treated within 4 hours of onset of pain. The mean time from onset of pain to entry was 5 ± 2.7 hours in both groups. Patients in the atenolol group were to receive atenolol IV injection 5–10 mg given over 5 minutes plus atenolol tablets 50 mg every 12 hours orally on the first study day (the first oral dose administered about 15 minutes after the IV dose) followed by either atenolol tablets 100 mg once daily or atenolol tablets 50 mg twice daily on days 2–7. The groups were similar in demographic and medical history characteristics and in electrocardiographic evidence of myocardial infarction, bundle branch block, and first-degree atrioventricular block at entry.

During the treatment period (days 0–7), the vascular mortality rates were 3.89% in the atenolol group (313 deaths) and 4.57% in the control group (365 deaths). This absolute difference in rates, 0.68%, was statistically significant at the P<0.05 level. The absolute difference translated into a proportional reduction of 15% (3.89– 4.57/4.57 = –0.15). The 95% confidence limits were 1–27%. Most of the difference was attributed to mortality in days 0–1 (atenolol, 121 deaths; control, 171 deaths).

Despite the large size of the ISIS-1 trial, it is not possible to identify clearly subgroups of patients most likely or least likely to benefit from early treatment with atenolol. Good clinical judgement suggests, however, that patients who are dependent on sympathetic stimulation for maintenance of adequate cardiac output and blood pressure are not good candidates for beta-blockade. Indeed, the trial protocol reflected that judgement by excluding patients with blood pressure consistently below 100 mmHg systolic. The overall results of the study are compatible with the possibility that patients with borderline blood pressure (less than 120 mmHg systolic), especially if over 60 years of age, are less likely to benefit.

The mechanism through which atenolol improves survival in patients with definite or suspected acute myocardial infarction is unknown, as is the case with other beta-blockers in the post-infarction setting. Atenolol, in addition to its effects on survival, has shown other clinical benefits, including reduced frequency of ventricular premature beats, reduced chest pain, and reduced enzyme elevation.

Geriatric Pharmacology

In general, elderly patients present higher atenolol plasma levels with total clearance values about 50% lower than younger subjects. The half-life is markedly longer in the elderly compared to younger subjects. The reduction in atenolol clearance follows the general trend that the elimination of renally excreted drugs is decreased with increasing age.

Pharmacokinetic Properties

After oral administration of therapeutic doses of amlodipine, absorption produces peak plasma concentrations between 6 and 12 hours. Absolute bioavailability has been estimated to be between 64 and 90%. The bioavailability of amlodipine is not altered by the presence of food. Amlodipine is extensively (about 90%) converted to inactive metabolites via hepatic metabolism with 10% of the parent compound and 60% of the metabolites excreted in the urine. Ex vivo studies have shown that approximately 93% of the circulating drug is bound to plasma proteins in hypertensive patients. Elimination from the plasma is biphasic with a terminal elimination half-life of about 30–50 hours. Steady-state plasma levels of amlodipine are reached after 7–8 days of consecutive daily dosing.

The pharmacokinetics of amlodipine is not significantly influenced by renal impairment. Patients with renal failure may, therefore, receive the usual initial dose.

Elderly patients and patients with hepatic insufficiency have decreased clearance of amlodipine with a resulting increase in area under curve (AUC) of approximately 40–60%, and a lower initial dose may be required. A similar increase in AUC was observed in patients with moderate-to-severe heart failure.

Pediatric Patients

Sixty-two hypertensive patients aged 6 to 17 years received doses of amlodipine between 1.25 mg and 20 mg. Weight-adjusted clearance and volume of distribution were similar to values in adults.

In humans, absorption of an oral dose is rapid and consistent but incomplete. Approximately 50% of an oral dose is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the remainder being excreted unchanged in the faeces. Peak blood levels are reached between 2 and 4 hours after ingestion. Unlike propranolol or metoprolol, but like nadolol, atenolol undergoes little or no metabolism by the liver, and the absorbed portion is eliminated primarily by renal excretion. Over 85% of an IV dose is excreted in urine within 24 hours compared with approximately 50% for an oral dose.

Atenolol also differs from propranolol in that only a small amount (6–16%) is bound to proteins in the plasma. This kinetic profile results in relatively consistent plasma drug levels with about a 4-fold interpatient variation.

The elimination half-life of oral atenolol is approximately 6–7 hours, and there is no alteration of the kinetic profile of the drug by chronic administration. Following IV administration, peak plasma levels are reached within 5 minutes. Declines from peak levels are rapid (5- to 10-fold) during the first 7 hours; thereafter, plasma levels decay with a half-life similar to that of orally administered drug. Following oral doses of 50 mg or 100 mg, both beta-blocking and antihypertensive effects persist for at least 24 hours. When renal function is impaired, elimination of atenolol is closely related to the glomerular filtration rate; significant accumulation occurs when the creatinine clearance falls below 35 mL/min/1.73 m2.’

Nonclinical Properties


Animal Toxicology and Pharmacology

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

Rats and mice treated with amlodipine maleate in the diet for up to two years, at concentrations calculated to provide daily dosage levels of 0.5, 1.25, and 2.5 amlodipine mg/kg/day, showed no evidence of a carcinogenic effect of the drug. For the mouse, the highest dose was, on a mg/m2 basis, similar to the maximum recommended human dose of 10 mg amlodipine/day.3 For the rat, the highest dose was, on a mg/m2 basis, about twice the maximum recommended human dose.3

Mutagenicity studies conducted with amlodipine maleate revealed no drug related effects at either the gene or chromosome level.

There was no effect on the fertility of rats treated orally with amlodipine maleate (males for 64 days and females for 14 days prior to mating) at doses up to 10 mg amlodipine/kg/day (8 times the maximum recommended human dose3 of 10 mg/day on a mg/m2 basis).

3 Based on patient weight of 50 kg


Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

Two long-term (maximum dosing duration of 18 or 24 months) rat studies and one long-term (maximum dosing duration of 18 months) mouse study, each employing dose levels as high as 300 mg/kg/day or 150 times the maximum recommended human antihypertensive dose,* did not indicate a carcinogenic potential of atenolol. A third (24 month) rat study, employing doses of 500 and 1,500 mg/kg/day (250 and 750 times the maximum recommended human antihypertensive dose*) resulted in increased incidences of benign adrenal medullary tumors in males and females, mammary fibroadenomas in females, and anterior pituitary adenomas and thyroid parafollicular cell carcinomas in males. No evidence of a mutagenic potential of atenolol was uncovered in the dominant lethal test (mouse), in vivo cytogenetics test (Chinese hamster) or Ames test (S typhimurium).

Fertility of male or female rats (evaluated at dose levels as high as 200 mg/kg/day or 100 times the maximum recommended human dose*) was unaffected by atenolol administration.

Animal Toxicology and Pharmacology

Chronic studies employing oral atenolol performed in animals have revealed the occurrence of vacuolation of epithelial cells of Brunner's glands in the duodenum of both male and female dogs at all tested dose levels of atenolol (starting at 15 mg/kg/day or 7.5 times the maximum recommended human antihypertensive dose*) and increased incidence of atrial degeneration of hearts of male rats at 300 but not 150 mg atenolol/kg/day (150 and 75 times the maximum recommended human antihypertensive dose,* respectively).


AMLOPRES-AT Tablets are fixed-dose combinations of amlodipine and atenolol. Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist (calcium ion antagonist or slow-channel blocker) that inhibits the transmembrane influx of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Atenolol is a beta1-selective (cardioselective) beta-adrenergic receptor-blocking agent without membrane stabilizing or intrinsic sympathomimetic (partial agonist) activities. This preferential effect is not absolute, however, and at higher doses, atenolol inhibits beta2-adrenoreceptors, chiefly located in the bronchial and vascular musculature.


Amlodipine besylate is chemically described as 3-Ethyl-5-methyl (±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, monobenzenesulphonate. Its empirical formula is C20H25CIN2O5•C6H6O3S, and its structural formula is:

Amlodipine besylate is a white crystalline powder with a molecular weight of 567.1. It is slightly soluble in water and sparingly soluble in ethanol.


Atenolol, a synthetic, beta1-selective (cardioselective) adrenoreceptor blocking agent, may be chemically described as benzeneacetamide, 4 -[2'-hydroxy3'-[(1- methylethyl) amino] propoxy]-. The molecular and structural formulas are:



 Atenolol (free base) has a molecular weight of 266. It is a relatively polar hydrophilic compound with a water solubility of 26.5 mg/mL at 37°C and a log partition coefficient (octanol/water) of 0.23. It is freely soluble in 1N HCl (300 mg/mL at 25°C) and less soluble in chloroform (3 mg/mL at 25°C).

Pharmaceutical Particulars

AMLOPRES AT tablets (contains amlodipine 5mg/atenolol 50mg)

AMLOPRES AT 25 tablets (contains amlodipine 5mg/atenolol 25mg)


None Known


AMLOPRES-AT Tablets: 3years

Packaging Information

AMLOPRES-AT Tablets: Bottle of 30 tablets

Blister pack of 15 tablets

AMLOPRES-AT 25 Tablets: Blister pack of 15 tablets

Storage and Handling Instructions

Protect from heat and light.

Patient Counseling Information

AMLOPRES AT tablets (contains amlodipine 5mg/atenolol 50mg)

AMLOPRES AT 25 tablets (contains amlodipine 5mg/atenolol 25mg)

Read all this leaflet carefully before you start taking this medicine because it contains important information for you.

  • Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again.
  • If you have any further questions, ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
  • This medicine has been prescribed for you only. Do not pass it on to others. It may harm them, even if their signs of illness are the same as yours.
  • If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.

What is in this leaflet

  1. What AMLOPRES AT is and what it is used for
  2. Who should not use AMLOPRES AT
  3. What should I tell my doctor before taking AMLOPRES AT
  4. How should I take AMLOPRES AT?
  5. What should I avoid while taking AMLOPRES AT?
  6. How to store AMLOPRES AT?
  7. Contents of the pack and other information
  1. What AMLOPRES AT is and what it is used for

AMLOPRES AT is a type of medicine known as a calcium channel blocker (CCB). It is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and a type of chest pain called angina. It can be used by itself or with other medicines to treat these conditions. High Blood Pressure (hypertension) High blood pressure comes from blood pushing too hard against your blood vessels. AMLOPRES AT relaxes your blood vessels, which lets your blood flow more easily and helps lower your blood pressure. Drugs that lower blood pressure lower your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.  Angina is a pain or discomfort that keeps coming back when part of your heart does not get enough blood. Angina feels like a pressing or squeezing pain, usually in your chest under the breastbone. Sometimes you can feel it in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaws, or back. AMLOPRES AT can relieve this pain.

  1. Who should not use AMLOPRES AT

      Do not use AMLOPRES AT if you are allergic to amlodipine (the active ingredient in             AMLOPRES AT), or to the inactive ingredients. Your doctor or pharmacist can give you a list of these ingredient

  1. What should I tell my doctor before taking AMLOPRES AT?

Tell your doctor about any prescription and non-prescription medicines you are taking, including natural or herbal remedies.

Tell your doctor if you:

  • ever had heart disease
  • ever had liver problems
  • are pregnant, or plan to become pregnant.
  • Your doctor will decide if AMLOPRES AT is the best treatment for you.
  • are breast-feeding. AMLOPRES AT passes into your milk.
  1. How should I take AMLOPRES AT?

Take AMLOPRES AT once a day, with or without food.

• It may be easier to take your dose if you do it at the same time every day, such as with breakfast or dinner, or at bedtime. Do not take more than one dose of AMLOPRES AT at a time.

• If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. Do not take AMLOPRES AT if it has been more than 12 hours since you missed your last dose. Wait and take the next dose at your regular time.

• Other medicines: You can use nitroglycerin and AMLOPRES AT together. If you take nitroglycerin for angina, don’t stop taking it while you are taking AMLOPRES AT.

 • While you are taking AMLOPRES AT, do not stop taking your other prescription medicines, including any other blood pressure medicines, without talking to your doctor.

 • If you took too much AMLOPRES AT, call your doctor or Poison Control Center, or go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away.

  1. What should I avoid while taking AMLOPRES AT?

• Do not start any new prescription or non-prescription medicines or supplements, unless you check with your doctor first

Reporting of side effects.

If you experience any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist or write to You can also report side effects directly via the national pharmacovigilance program of India by calling on 1800 180 3024 or you can report to Cipla Ltd. on 1800 267 7779. By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this product.

  1. How to store AMLOPRES AT

 Keep AMLOPRES AT away from children. Store AMLOPRES AT Tablets at room temperature (between 59° and 86°F). Keep AMLOPRES AT out of the light. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep AMLOPRES AT in a dry place.

  1. Contents of the pack and other information

The active substances are amlodipine and atenolol.

  • Each uncoated tablet contains: Amlodipine besylate equivalent to Amlodipine 5 mg and Atenolol IP 50 mg.
  • Each uncoated tablet contains: Amlodipine besylate equivalent to Amlodipine 5 mg and Atenolol IP 25 mg.

Details of Manufacturer

M/S Cipla

Mumbai central,


Details of Permission or Licence Number with Date



Date of Revision
