Patients receiving SFC had better quality of life (SGRQ total score) at the end of the study than at the beginning
TORCH (Towards A Revolution in COPD Health) Study
29 Sep, 11
Towards a Revolution in Copd Health
TORCH : A Landmark Study
- First Pharmacological intervention to show evidence in impacting mortality after LTOT and smoking cessation
- Large study population (n ∼ 6,000 )
- Results reconfirm the role of ICS in severe COPD
Primary Objective
- The effect of SFC 50/500 µg vs placebo on all-cause mortality over 3 years in patients with moderate-to-severe COPD
Secondary Objectives
- The effect of SFC 50/500 ?g on the rate of moderate and severe exacerbations
The effect of SFC 50/500 ?g on quality of life (SGRQ)
Study Design
Results: Mortality
Results: Exacerbations
Quality of Life Over 3 Years
Rate of Decline in Lung Function Over 3 Years
SFC significantly reduced the rate of decline in lung function compared with placebo (39 mL/year vs 55 mL/year, difference 16 mL/year p<0.001)
”...SFC decreas[ed] the excess FEV1 decline attributable to COPD by approximately half.”
“...halving the excess decline in FEV1 is likely to be clinically important...”
Error bars represent 5% and 95% confidence intervals
The Mortality Benefit with SFC vs Placebo is Supported by Significant Improvements in the Three Pillars of Clinical Management of COPD
TORCH: Conclusions
- TORCH is the first study to show a potential survival benefit of pharmacotherapy in COPD patients (with p=0.052 for SFC vs. placebo in terms of all cause mortality at 3 years)
- In addition, SFC also decreased exacerbations and improved lung function and improved and sustained quality of life over three years
- These were accompanied by a reduction in the rate of decline in lung function in patients taking SFC compared with placebo demonstrating an effect on disease progression
These results demonstrate the clinical efficacy of SFC 50/500 ?g bd in patients with FEV1<60% predicted.
1. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:775-89
2. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008; 178:332–338